Right now I am working on a challenge which involves your sims
having the ultimate college experience! Although not finalized JUST YET, 
with your help I am hoping to have the challenge complete asap!


This is where you can leave your ideas and be apart of the creation of this challenge!


To Earn the SKILLS to pay the bills!
Let's face it starting off at the bottom isn't fun. 

To learn the essential skills to jump-start your career!

Meanwhile, experiencing all the fun things college has to offer


- Join A Sorority/Fraternity 
- Fall In Love/Break Up?
- Throw a KILLER Party
- Let Loose, Throw Pranks, Skinny Dip, GET JUICED!
- Woohoo!

+ Have More Experience ideas? 
Leave them on

Turn NEWCREST Into a College TOWN

Create A Challenge BASED ON: Building Skills, Experiencing The University Life.


- 1 Frat House
- 1 Sorority House
- 1Campus Cafe
- 1 Hangout/Bar
- 1 Park
- 1 University Store
- 3 College Starter Homes

- 3 Class/Skill Lots





Newcrest University is seeking EARLY enrollers!
Only Age requirement is, you MUST be a young adult or older!



Give me your ideas and thoughts on how the challenge should go.
Price/Cost Of Tuition
Means Of Making Money
Experience Ideas




  1. the fee should be that when you arrive at the uni you only have $500 left in the bank ?? just an idea. And maybe you could make it that some sims could get jobs at a local cafe thing or something like that. also maybe have a, say arts campus, where sims go and there is a room for woodwork, a painting room, sculpture room. Like and these are the prac classes they would attend to get their skills up for their certain degree? and like there should be a few to choose from. so say you want to be a scientist you would work on skills related to that so Logic? then if you wanted to study business you would learn the charisma skills and others. and if you wanted to study music you would learn the instrument skills. Also you could choose an elective skill (a skill not related to their majors) that your sim might be interested in. And one of the main goals can be completing the skills to a set ( like maybe not maxed our but you have to be pretty good. cause even in a career you still need to learn things) level.

    my comment from youtube

    i just read this page (BTW im super excited for this) and was thinking a way to fail could be if you dont work on your skills for a week or something. I saw another comment on youtube saying that sims should use the skills they are studying to get a job (while they are studying) so maybe they should get part time jobs. It makes sense and I know there is a mod that lets young adults-elders get the part time jobs.

    1. also a requirement for sims is they had to have finished highschool with high marks (havent played sims 4 in a while so im not sure what the ranking system for highschool is) unless your sim is like an athelete then they can get in with a 'elite athletes scolarship'.

  2. Youre a genius why no one came up with this idea?! i hope it happens in the sims 4 as in an expansion pack with frat house and new stuff, i really loved the sims 3 university expansion pack i hope after pets we get to see new things huge things.

  3. I've been waiting for university and this will give me a little taste of it until EA makes it! I just wanted to say that dorm rooms are usually pretty small and cramped with pretty much no space. Just mentioning it because I just watched the speed build where the dorm rooms had a generous amount of space.

  4. You could have teenage sims that are almost young adults around as high school students preparing for college taking classes before they enroll

  5. Please take a look at custom cc inputs from sims because I have submitted a sim but she has custom content eyes. I don't know what their named. Pleeeease. Also I loveeeee you.

  6. Means of making money ideas:
    1) sell their paintings, writing works etc
    2) work inside the cafeteria or school bookstore
    3) get the flea market table and have them have bake sells etc

    Working on the cafeteria and bookstore idea:
    Cafeteria payment requirements:
    -must make adequate quality and quantity number of meals
    -Bake square number of recipes
    -Clean anything that needs to be
    -By the end of set shifts everything must be accomplished.

    1 hr shift: 25$ : 1 group meal, 1 bake recipe, clean cafe
    2 hr shift: 40$ : 2 group meals, clean cafe
    3 hr shift: 55$ : 2 group meals, 1 bake recipe,clean cafe
    5 hr shift: 75$ : 2 group meals, 2 bake recipes, clean cafe

  7. Hello Jen!!

    I may have totally over thought this, but I got really excited and wrote out an awesome set of rules and goals for this challenge.

    I want you and everyone else to give input! What do you like and not like? What needs added, what needs changed? I put this all in a note pad in my phone, so I tried to make it as cohesive as possible and I've notated where I really need suggestions. This is a copy & paste in multiple parts. I'm sorry for the comment spam...
    It all sounds like a lot of fun, I am so excited, let me know what you think:

    - Start with a teen & move into dorms.
    You can decorate your sim's dorm room & buy any necessary items for their field of study.

    - Set simoleons to 200 - that's the money your parents gave you to feed yourself.
    Money can be made at University in any way that you normally would without having a job. (Examples: Collecting, fishing, sculpting, painting Majors can sell their art, writing Majors can publish books, etc.. - can definitely use more money making ideas)

    - Must complete Nerd Brain aspiration and achieve & maintain an A in 'high school'.

    *High school classes are your sims general education classes which they have to pass with an A to choose a major.
    *The Nerd Brain aspiration tasks are the homework and projects your sim needs to complete for their general classes.

    This aspiration includes upgrading a rocket. The rocket can be on a lot (maybe a lot with all the science equipment for building logic skills) and the cost of upgrading can be considered part of tuition. I'm open to ideas on how to do the tuition thing because I don't have any ideas right now!

    Ideally the nerd brain aspiration should be completed by the end of the teen stage and the major (2nd aspiration) will be chosen as a young adult. But once the Nerd Brain aspiration is completed and the sim has an A in classes, the major can be chosen.
    (Either the sim can go ahead and age up at this point or continue Gen ed classes until their birthday?)

  8. When the sim is a young adult, they may take either day or night classes. (8a - 1p or 5p-10p) and during this time, your sim must be working on the skill and aspiration you chose (this is your sims major!)
    During this time, your sim should be on one of the class lots dedicated to their field of study.
    *If you're not on the class lot working during this time, you're missing class and can flunk out of university!
    ((Any ideas on how to monitor this??))

    Maybe each major can have a class schedule? Only certain days a week? Or should classes be mon-fri?

    Maybe?: (Your sim can also choose a 'minor' field of study which is a skill of your choosing and should max the skill as a way of completing the 'degree' for that skill.)
    If a minor is chosen, should that minor be worked on in spare time or should the sim be required to do more class time? Having a minor skill to complete can open up more points possibilities.

    Minors can be any skill that isn't the one your sim is majoring in. It can go hand in hand with your sim's major or can just be another subject your sim is interested in learning. (Like, photography, baking, another skill that isn't their major, etc..)

    - You must take time to read the proper skill books each day. These must be purchased like 'text books' and you should purchase and own all 3 levels by the time your sim reaches level 9 of their major skill. (Buy level 1 book @ skill level 1, buy #2 at skill level 4, buy #3 at skill level 8 - like each semester's text books) You can read the skill books during class time or during free time as study time.

    Non class time and weekends should be used as free time and for your sim to complete the experiences for challenge points.

    When your sim's major (aspiration) is completed, they must get a job in their field as an intern. Once your sim reaches level 3 of the career and completes their major (the aspiration) and ALSO their final project, they are university graduates and can either choose another career or be hired on at the job where they took the internship.
    **Some aspirations (majors) require early enrollment into your internship!

  9. Majors to choose from:

    Aspiration: Painter Extraordinaire
    Final Project: Display your sim's 5 masterpieces in the fine Arts Building Art Hall
    Internship: Painter Career

    **Programming/Video Game Design**
    Aspiration: Computer Whiz
    Final Project: Make a second video game (You already make one for the aspiration - consider that your test run, the 2nd is your final project)
    Internship: Tech Guru career (Need to join for your aspiration, so the internship comes early in this major)

    Aspiration: Musical Genius (Choose 1 instrument as a main focus)
    Final Project: Play a concert in the city (busk for tips) at level 10 of the instrument you chose.
    Internship: Entertainer Career

    Aspiration: Body Builder
    Final Project: Mentor a sim in fitness
    Internship: Fitness career

    **Journalism/Creative Writing**
    Aspiration: Bestselling Author
    Final Project: Write a trending Blog/Submit a BEST SELLER to the Literary Digest
    Internship: Critic or Social Media/Author or Journalist 

    Aspiration: Master Chef/Mixologist
    Final Project: Throw a GOLD dinner party and either: Cook an excellent Baked Alaska or Puffer fish Nigiri/Serve all excellent or better drinks to your guest (goal depends on the sim's major)
    Internship: Culinary Career
    Culinary: Level 4 is required for the aspiration so your internship comes early in this major and you must reach level 4 for graduation
    Mixology: Join Culinary Career when you get to that part of the aspiration and you must make it to the Mixology branch in order to complete your internship and graduate.

    Aspiration: Freelance Botanist or Outdoor Enthusiast (With outdoor enthusiast, your sim will spend class time in Granite Falls completing their goals)
    Final Project: Grow the highest quality of 5 different plants & a cow plant  (must GRAFT to get your Cowplant berry) or something to do with the Granite Falls hermit or herbal remedies?
    Internship: Grow a garden with 10 different excellent plants/outdoor enthusiast should grow all of the Granite Falls plants
    **I need ideas on final projects & internship for this field! :) :)
    I figure gardens are hard enough to keep and herbalism takes time to master, so completing either aspiration should be work enough but please add ideas!

    **Entertainment & TV**
    Aspiration: Joke Star
    Final Project: perform a comedy routine at the humor & hijinks festival (also join the jokesters and win the contest?)
    Internship: Entertainer career
    *Entertainer career branch needed for this aspiration, so join your internship when it's time and you must get into the Entertainer branch to complete the internship.


    To graduate, Sim must:
    -Complete Nerd Brain aspiration
    -Earn an A in general education classes  (high school)

    -Complete a 2nd aspiration (your sim's major)
    -Complete the goal for the chosen major. (FINAL PROJECT! )
    -Achieve level 3 in job in your sim's field of study. (internship) *Unless your major requires the level to be higher*

    **Can choose between long & short version of the challenge. Can choose to start with YA sim and skip all the general education classes & nerd brain aspiration.
    Although, starting with a teen sim could open up possibilities of more points if your sim can manage to gain some character traits upon aging up**

    I'd also consider starting as a teen the harder version of the challenge. It would take a lot of work and give players more of a chance of failing, which makes the challenge harder! Plus, college is overwhelming and it's realistic for a first & second year college student to struggle to get into the swing of things and be broke!

  10. I don't know if any of this would work, but: to "go to class" Sims can go to campus building lots that have skill building ideas. So like, in Sims 3 the art majors would go to a building and set their easel up on the lawn and just paint for a few hours. Same with politics (mirrors for charisma), theatre (mirrors and mics), music (instruments), computer science (programming). Instead of exams like Sims 3, they can make week-long goals (since exams used to be every Friday). So for example, one week is a semester. First semester of freshman year, a music major has until Friday to get up to level 3 in one instrument and to become friends with two other music majors. Second semester, they have until Friday to reach level 3 of another instrument OR level 5 of their first instrument, and earn $50 in tips from playing outside.

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. Maybe students can do internships after they've completed "Freshman" and "Sophomore" year - so at this point, they're allowed to go into level one of the career that matches their major. They have until the end of their junior year (so two weeks) to get to level 3 (which is normally where I think part-time jobs max out?). Senior year they have two weeks to do their portfolio project (so an art major would have to paint five paintings of really good quality; a music major would have to write five songs; a tech major would have to mod some games/program some apps; a science major doing chemistry would have to analyze a certain number of elements/crystals/metals or have a certain number of microscope slides; a science major doing bio would have to have have 10 good quality plants.

    I realize that some of my suggestions may surpass certain skill levels that are reasonable for the college time frame but these are just some ideas :) I hope these help!

  13. The fact that I have already turned willow creek, oasis springs and newcrest into university worlds, means I have an abundance of university builds you could use if you like. However, I don't want to go back and reupload them all with your hashtag. If you'd like to browse through any of them though, you can find them under my origin I.D - kiyomilovee
