
18 +1  FLAVORS

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1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5

I Suggest Using A Shadow Remover Other Wise You'll Have A Blue
Blob/Shadow Where Your Sim Is Standing. 





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1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5

I Suggest Using A Shadow Remover Other Wise You'll Have A Blue
Blob/Shadow Where Your Sim Is Standing. 





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1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6

I Suggest Using A Shadow Remover Other Wise You'll Have A Blue
Blob/Shadow Where Your Sim Is Standing. 









  1. love what you have done already cant wait to see more!! <3

  2. The Peach Backround isnt working for me

    1. Has anyone figured out how to get it to work? Its not for me either

    2. none of the backrounds are for me

    3. There are a lot of posts how to fix not working cc. also there are a lot of reports for the latest patch which broke a lot of cc. its working for me. it has to be something on your game/computer. :/ maybe google can help you

    4. Is it possible you have a computer that can't access .rar files? That's what happens to me- rar files don't show up in my game.

    5. you can only put one cas background file at a time in ur mods folder

    6. Its not working for me either

    7. everyone, you must download a rar to zip converter then open the .zip file take out the FILE. put it in mods and voula

    8. You have to have only ONE in your mod's folder and adfly is the main source that pretty much is EVERYBODY who does CC.

  3. it keeps taking me to adfly and im worried im gonna get a virus

    1. Adfly isn't a virus! you just have to wait 5 seconds and then click the big yellow button in the corner :)

      (also I'm sorry if this sounds like a bot or something LOL, I swear I'm not!!)

    2. It can give you a virus if you click on any of the ads so be carful


    4. Not to lie and scare you ,but I almost did get a virus. My computer or PC what ever you want to call it had weird messages popping up ,and then my computer restarted !That's why any mod I download, it must be from Sim file share .

    5. This could happen if you press allow notifycation thingy. That is harmless unless you click on the notification when it pops up, but you can easily block a notification afterwards in the settings, there are lots of videos on youtube how to remove notifications in google chrome.

    6. the problem you're having is you are allowing notifications when it asks you. thats fine, but if ur on chrome i recommend doing so its the easiest, then press the three dots on the right hand side of ur computer and go to settings or press s. it will open settings. then go to site settings, youll see it if u scroll a little. then itll open up to things u allow and dont allow. go to notifications and scroll to then notification where u allowed. press the three dots and press remove. it may sound long but its easier than it looks. dw ive been cc shopping since 2017 and have 12k cc and have 0 viruses from my experience being careful. its good that ur being caution and worried tho of ur sorrunding. when on adfly, ads pop up on another tab, do NOT open them. just press skip ad and youre good

  4. Did you really adfly these? Guuuurl, seriously? the cringe and side-eye.

    1. Do you not know how to use adfly? I'm new to all of this modding stuff and I even know you are supposed to hit the 'skip ad' up in the right hand corner :) just so you aren't bashing others for their work

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. Bashing? Are you serious with this reply? LOL! How was I bashing? I didn't put down her cc, it's quite good. My comment was directed at the adfly connected to the download link. Btw, I'm not the ONLY one in this comment section who's said something about adfly. Might I also add, Jen herself has also made negative comments about adfly in many of her cc haul vids which is why it's surprising/disappointing and slightly hypocritical she's using it for her cc. And yeah, I'm cringing and side-eyeing this choice as A LOT of people in the Sims community have been subjected viruses via adfly (even using 'SKIP AD') But maybe because you're 'new' and not fully informed you didn't know this. There was even a petition passed around on tumblr/sims community asking creators to please stop using adfly. Again, it's just disappointing to see Jen using adfly to make money off cc when she's making a decent income off Youtube. Much wants more, I guess. Maybe as a newbie you should inform yourself next time before attempting and failing a salty reply defending someone blindly without all the facts :) Just so you aren't bashing others for their valid opinions. PS. I can be a supporter of Jen, but it also doesn't mean I can't can't question her and disagree with some the of the stuff she says/does.

    4. Hello, What.

      Let me address a few things in your comment. I use adfly to earn money off of my creations yes that is true.

      This is a seperate "side job" and has nothing to due with what I earn from youtube, assuming I make a decent income from youtube, is based on asumption.

      Right now creators on youtube are earning less than ever, and to be quite frank. There's nothing wrong with me using adfly. AS I HAVE MENTIONED before. I understand CC creators should and need to get paid. I said a lot of things before I knew how much work it took to create these items. Since then I always pause adblock now when downloading CC.

      If you'd like to judge me based on the fact I use adfly, then so be it. I am not charging anything to anyone to enjoy my CC ITS FREE.

      I am not ashamed, nor should I be. I understand adlfy can be risky, but Its more of nussiance than as risk. If you have an antivirus that works and never click the ads but skip them you'll be fine. I've downloaded thousands of times from adfly and have yet to be hit.

      <3 Just thought I'd clarify.

    5. you guys are ridiculous why does jenn have to apologize for every little thing she does. it's like she can't live her life LMAOO

    6. Btw, YOUR experience with adfly and never having virus isn't the experience of MANY. MANY who've not clicked the ad and still ended up with a virus. Like I said to another poster, there was a petition passed around on tumblr asking creators to please stop using it FOR A REASON and it had NOTHING to do with not wanting to support creators or adfly being just a NUISANCE.

    7. If it bothers you so much, don't use adfly. She gave you the choice to NOT use adfly. I have used adfly so many times and I have not gotten a virus. Besides she's not charging you to use her cc. Also the cc she made looks amazing.

    8. People have to use Adfly to post their things, like simmer's need it if they post CC or Mods.

    9. Honestly, I agree with What. I almost just got a virus trying to "support you". Of course, Jenn works hard on her CC's, but saying that it is more of a nuisance than a risk is a quite hypothetical. Also, if you think its a nuisance, why use it? I mean, come on..

    10. I'm gonna hop on this one and tell you Jenn, if you want money then get a job. This is a hobby and so is Youtube. Youtube can be a well paying job for people but that all depends on what other people think of them. Using adfly is just silly and for any tech person such as I, it just makes me cringe even though I know how to get around it. I can't respect that. Especially if you know how it is. It is a pain in my backside to finesse such mess. You are not perfect and not everything you do is right. Like using adfly to post your cc. Plus it is in the grey area of EA Terms and Conditions regarding distributions of the sims 4 technically putting cc behind a paywall even though it's just ads, the money is still being initialized "FIRST" which is why I see ads before I get my cc for free on my end.

    11. BOOOOOOO on ya if you dont get the effort Jen and others like her here and on youtube you are frankly a bad egg the ppl who put the content that we get FOR FREE is VERY HARD WORK... can you do it ? if so get to it and make your mark if not shut up and get out of the way your ignorance or arrogance I cant tell which is showing

    12. My parents said to me it is a virus and to keep away from it even if i love the cc i want to download i also saw on someones tumblr that it took money out their bank account!

    13. This is so dumb. So Jen using adfly is a crime now. Do y'all understand that youtubers making the bare minimum? She's trying to live her life, and if hiding things behind a paywall is bad, people who use patreon technically would be banned or whatever by EA, Jenn has every right to use it and just because she has youtube doesnt mean she's living luxurious. It's harder than it looks and your assumption is such bullshit.

    14. Hey man I totally agree with you. Adfly is sketchy as fuck and I can't even use it because whenever I try to download cc from it it says it doesn't exist. And whenever I go to adfly I get a notification from norton saying it had to block a "malicious attack". I would love to support cc creators and wouldn't mind all the pop ups and shit if the site wasn't terrifying. I think what people don't understand is that we're not upset about people wanting to earn money for their creations, but that we're pissed at a sketchy website that's harmful to fellow simmers. Its not any of the cc creators' fault that the site is like that.

  5. PROUD OF YOU!!! They look AMAZING!!!! One thing I think we should definitely have more in our game is maxis match tube tops!!!!

  6. lovvvvve your lip kits please keep making more and more make up items your super wonderful!!!!!!

  7. Hey Jen so i've downloaded both lip kits and they won't show up in my game despite me uninstalling them and doing everything i can think of they just aren't showing up in my game. Maybe the mesh is apart of a gamepack i don't have or maybe another issue i was wondering if you or anyone else could help me?

    1. I have been having the same issues which sucks because the lip kits look GORGEOUS!

    2. Hi, Mykenzie!

      I know this is a 3 year late response but you need the "Get To Work" expansion pack. Without that expansion pack, you will not be able to get the lip kits.

  8. Dose anyone know what Blob remover Jenn uses?? I need one ;-;

  9. Hi,
    I have a problem the lip kits wont show in my game but the backgrounds work just fine.

    1. same thing is happening to me :(

    2. I know this is late, but I think you need the get to work expansion pack!

  10. Jenn you are killing it with the CC. Way to go.

  11. OMG Jenn these are amazing!! I can't wait for more CC from you! Could you please release a line of red lip colours please? XXX

  12. I love the lippies and can't wait for the winter set to be released! So excited :D

  13. Great Job <3

    AdFly Topic :
    What a freaking bullcrap. If you have a secure computer you cant get any virus of adsites.
    I honestly think every CC creator should remove the non-adfly link and get them adds for them. you wait 5 seconds and press skip. it supports creators who invested HOURS of making these and we can enjoy them for free.
    I am thankfull and i love to wait 5 or even 10 seconds for this cool content.
    Thank you Jen ♥ I love you, your vids, your cc. everything.

  14. First of all let me say everyone calm your pickle down. Why is everyone fighting about Adfly, the pieces that these custom context creators take hours if i knew how to make cc i would do it and get a little money, you have to remember that Jen has a family she has to take of so having spare money can be so helpful. Beside the point everyone knows youtube are not at their peek so they been paying the creators least amount of money they deserve, as again Jen has a family and a new born that not even one so don't hate on her you guys need to chill if your not happy that she's using Adfly theres another link for media share so relax.
    Let me just say Jen i love your cc and ur videos i have been watching you for four years and last year i went through some rough things and your videos were so helpful. Don't these haters stop you xx

  15. When I put the lipsticks in my game it doesn't works can someone help? (I have other CC but these just don't seem to work)

  16. hi! i was wondering, do i just put these in my mods folder?

  17. Uhhh!None of the backrounds work for me!Can anyone help?

  18. Hun all of your cc is amazing keep up the good work! <3

  19. Best CC on the internet by far <3

  20. So I have another CAS background do I need to move that out of my mods folder to use one of these?

  21. I don't exactly know who, But the CAS backgrounds dont work, I'm an expert on files and already put it in my mods folder and enabled cc and mods, It just doesnt work!

  22. I'm trying to get rid of the cas background that I have, but I can't find it. I've checked through all of these, but I still haven't been able to find it. Does anyone know if XUrban got rid of one of the colors? PLEASE HELP!!!

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  25. HELP! none of ur cas backgorunds are showing uo in my game!!! what do i dooo!!!

  26. the blue one isn't working for me

  27. Great job for publishing such a beneficial web site. Your web log isn’t only useful but it is additionally really creative too. There tend to be not many people who can certainly write not so simple posts that artistically. Continue the nice writing privacyenbescherming

  28. I'm trying to find this skin overlay you have, but I can't find it! It's not the original one you used, but one you said you liked better. I can't even remember the name!

  29. I know it doesnt matter, but I really wanted to download the stuff using adfly to support, but when I tried, it said I had to allow random websites to send me notifications. I tried it multiple times but it didn't let me download so I had to download without adly, sorry :L

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